Venue Information
This page displays the various venues we appear at as well as the individual venue itself.
Educational Calandar
Explore our in-person teaching calandar or browse past and upcoming in-person content below.

CTC lecture series are an structured sequence of presentations focusing on a specific theme or topic. Each session is led by an expert or knowledgeable speaker, offering in-depth insights, analysis, and reflections.
Unlike a single lecture, a series provides a comprehensive exploration, building on ideas over multiple sessions. Participants can expect to listen, take notes, and occasionally engage in a Q&A segment at the end of each lecture.
This format is ideal for those seeking to deepen their understanding of a subject through a cohesive and well-organized learning experience.
Worship Schedule
Sundays - Resuming Feburay 2025
700 AM | 1030 AM | 600 PM
Prayer Services
730-800 PM
1ST & 3RD Wednesday of each month.
Midweek Worship
720-745 PM
Schedule & Events
Please refer to our calendar for information on teaching series, classes, and other special events.