Venue Information

This page displays the various venues we appear at as well as the individual venue itself.

1701 East Park Street, Two Rivers, WI 54241
Type : Standing

Educational Calandar

Explore our in-person teaching calandar or browse past and upcoming in-person content below.

Age Group: All

CTC classes are an interactive learning experience designed to foster understanding and engagement on a specific topic. Participants can expect a blend of teaching methods, including presentations, guided discussions, and question-and-answer sessions, allowing them to delve deeper into the subject matter.

The format encourages active involvement, with opportunities to ask questions, share perspectives, and engage in group activities or exercises. Each class aims to create a collaborative and enriching environment, promoting both personal growth and a sense of community among learners.

Upcoming Events
No upcoming event found.

Worship Schedule

Sundays - Resuming Feburay 2025

700 AM | 1030 AM | 600 PM


Prayer Services
730-800 PM
1ST & 3RD Wednesday of each month.


Midweek Worship
720-745 PM

Schedule & Events

Please refer to our calendar for information on teaching series, classes, and other special events.